Previous essays on faith: On Faith: Faith & Reason A reader once wrote me regarding her husband whom she had recently lost. He was a man some years older than she, who succumbed to multiple myeloma and Alzheimer’s disease. She, a Christian, struggled to make sense of his death, and the difficult questions of why God…
Category: Pain & Suffering
Essays addressing the topic of pain & suffering
God of Loss and Grace
There is no answer to the question why? in the walk of faith. It is a foolish question — we could not understand the answer were it given, and to know why would destroy the how, and the when, and the for which purpose. The answer is unfathomable. To know why? is to be God — and despite my aspirations, I don’t have the resume for the job.
When Waters Break
When waters break, their power spent in fine mist on the breeze, to thus retreat and gather up to hurl again against those jagged boulders yet unfazed; What purpose, they, whose molten age in fiercest shapes did freeze, their faces polished now by salt and sand, igniting foaming fury upward raised? And why the rolling…